A few words about 2013

I swear, I can’t wait until this year is over.  It is almost like having a Friday the 13th every Friday!  Is anyone else feeling that way?

This may come off as a bit of a whiny post, but I do kinda feel like I deserve one.  So, here it goes.

Why do I feel that way?  Well, I started off this year with Little Red arriving 5 weeks early where I spent a few days on hospital bed rest being loaded up with steroids and antibiotics.  Was he worth it?  Yes.  Plus the steroids did him some good.  However, it was not the way I had planned on welcoming in the new year.  There were some other happenings going on in other Monkey’s lives where timing could have been better.  Then I had a major accident at home where my hands/arms went through a plate glass window (completely an accident and certainly more glamorous on tv than is in real life) which resulted in my not being able to care for Little Red until the stitches came out.  In the middle of that my Father-in-law passed away so there was that do deal with as well.  You would think that we would have enough at this point, but then there was some more monkey happenings. Then I have an Aunt who was waiting on a thyroid biopsy (clear thank goodness) who was then involved in a fender bender with a police officer (not her fault) and an Uncle who had chest pains resulting in an angioplasty and a stent.  Really, it is only June.  If the first half of the year brought us all of that and then some, I don’t want to know what the second half of the year has in store for me.  In fact, I would like to return some of the items I’ve already received.

Could it have been worse?  Certainly.  Little Red could have had some major problems and a longer hospital stay. I could have nerve or tendon damage or even hit an artery.  My loved ones could have had worse outcomes than what they are currently experiencing.  Even with being thankful, I feel like I have reached my limit.  Yes, I also know others have it worse than I do.  No, I don’t expect a lot of sympathy.  I simply want to rage that I am quite finished with any bad news or potential bad news, thank you very much.

I also hope that your year has been going much better than mine.

To that end, I have been unable to quilt.  Currently I am working on flexibility and regaining strength in my right wrist.  I have started picking out fabrics for Small Blonde’s dinosaur quilt.  And it is sooooo much easier now that I have my little system.  What system?  Well, I am so glad you asked!  Here is a picture of my new storage system!  I got it after Christmas and before the beginning of 2013.  Have I told you how much I love Ikea?  I’m sure I have.



For the record I have two of these.  I was surprised when my fabric fit all in one.  The drawers hold uniformly folded fat quarters and half yards.  The shelves are also deep enough to hold fabric that is folded selvage to selvage.  How cool is that?  So all my yardage is organized on those three shelves with some fleece on the top shelf.  You can even see Pistachio Frog on the very top.  I was so excited to have it home that I didn’t want to wait to get one of them put together.  So, it is not in its forever spot but at least I can use it!

Needless to say there hasn’t been much quilting for me these last couple months, but I’m hoping that will change soon.

Happy Quilting and I hope your 2013 is going much better than ours!